Get More Customers Challenge!!!
Trying to perfect marketing on your own will take you 5x longer.
Don't be proud, let us help you make this more fun and quicker...don't you want results?!?
In 4 days we will hold your hand and build a system that can consistently get you new customers...with easy to do tasks.
Marketing is a big and scary world where you need technical abilities and lots of knowledge....WRONG! This is why you haven't started marketing how you should because it seems overwhelming. Let us show you how EASY it can be to grow your business and make more money with 6 EASY TASKS
Very Limited Spots Available!
(10 spots available)

Day 1:
Learn to create Ad images / videos that stop people in their tracks (most ads don't work because this is not done correctly
Learn where to send the people who click on your ad so you can capture their name, phone, and emails
List building - why this is crucial and how to start building current customer, former customers, and prospect customers by segments
Day 2:
How to have the perfect script so the leads/prospects that contact you are converted to paying customers
How to create social media content that helps leads make purchasing desicions
How to create content that keeps your customers coming back!
Day 3:
The #1 biggest mistake business owners make: not following up. We will help you build a great follow up sequence
How to send Email Blasts to customer lists
How to send SMS Blasts to customer lists
Day 4:
Create a weekly checklist of marketing tasks that will keep you on track with getting new customers (we call it "Marketing Pond Checklist"
Learn what automation is and how it can save you countless HOURS on Repetitive tasks (software can do the job of a person. You program it once, and it runs forever)
Q & A session with Luis about anything marketing
Get More Customers Challenge!!!
If you are ready to break through the roadblock that is not letting your business grow, you need to join this challenge
If your ready to make real money from your business, money that can change your future generations lives, you need to join this challenge
If you're ready to finally learn what marketing tasks actually move the needle and provide consistent results, you need to join this challenge
Very Limited Spots Available!
(10 spots available)
Your Host:

"My Job in this challenge is to help you and your business have a transformation. A transformation where getting new customers is easy, predictable, and fun to do. When you achieve this, you will create the financial freedom you have always dreamt of.
I have had and still have great mentors that I pay thousand of dollars a year to, because they are SO worth it. However, I wish I would have had something like this challenge when i started my marketing journey for my business, it would have made my life tons easier!
If you have a new business and you want to stay open for a long time, this is for you.
If you have a business that has already had some success but you want to reach new levels, this challenge is for you.
If you want to create the business of your dreams, this challenge is for you.
Click the link above to register as spots are limited!